Solve Your Problems
Get solutions to your problems in the following areas:
- Kundalini Awakening Coaching/ Spiritual Awakening/ Dark Night of the Soul Diagnosis and Guidance
- Shaktipat/ Energy Transmission
- IGG Freedom Model for Kundalini Awakened people
- Nice Guy to New Man Transformation Mastery
- Tantra Learning
- Semen Retention and Sex Transmutation
- Kundalini related Health issues
- Kundalini related Relationship Issues
- Inner GPS Career and Wealth
- Trauma, Depression, Stress & Anxiety, Insomnia
- Kundalini related Fibromyalgia/ Multiple Sclerosis/ Bipolar disorder/ ADHD/ Schizophrenia/ Dementia/ Alzheimer/ Parkinson's/ Asthma/ Colitis/ IBS/ Arthritis
- Obesity and weight reduction
- Kundalini-related cancer healing
- Finding your Life Purpose/ IKIGAI
- How to create energy vortex at your home
- Chakra Opening Guidance