Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

Prana & Health

This is Health Category.

How to Breathe Right?

The Art of Breathing: Secrets of Conscious Life

Breathe in positivity and breathe out negativity. Conscious breathing is your divine connection with your human life. In this article, you will learn: Are you breathing right? Let me share the highest secret of health, and that is the art of conscious breathing with you.  Diagnosis: Let me first diagnose you. I know it is impossible to diagnose you individually, but I can guide you through analyzing whether you are breathing right or not by checking how you are breathing. ...

What is health?

What Is Health? Unraveling the Mystery of the Best Health

Health is everything. Your freedom,  happiness, and power are meaningful when you are the healthiest to enjoy your life.  In this article, you will learn: What is health? Health is the condition of your total existence when you are radiating with the most vibrant energy. The definition of health according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is : “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” What I ...

Learn Energy Healing

Learn Energy Healing from Inner GPS Gurus Gurukul

Ever wondered about the extraordinary power that lies within the concept of healing? Are you driven to learn energy healing? In this guide, you will learn about the power of healing. This transformative process goes beyond the surface and pierces deep into the integration of body, mind, and soul.  I have shed light on this intriguing topic, and I can not wait to share the insights with you. In the hustle and bustle of our lives, have you ever felt ...

10 Secrets to Improve Your Health – The Best Guide

In this guide, I will share the secrets to improve your health. Begin loving yourself unconditionally and follow your feelings. Health is Wealth. But the million dollar question is how to be healthy forever ? Love yourself unconditionally and be happy. Once in a while hug yourself, give a pat on your back, take enough rest and eat well. Wash your face with cool water minimum five times a day and feel your serenity of being. 10 Secrets to Improve ...

How to Deal With Body Shaming? The Best Action Guide

Often, you have told it to other people unconsciously:  You must understand that nothing is perfect.  Everything is imperfection; what you consider perfect from your judgmental mind is not the truth.  What is body shaming? Body shaming is when you humiliate a person based on his body’s shape, size, or color and criticize that person, using body shaming or negative comments, that create a feeling of guilt in that person. I will address this question from the perspective of you ...

How to Start Intuitive Eating?

How to Start Intuitive Eating – Intuitive eating means listening to your Inner GPS to eat food rather than following your mind’s patterns based on the desires and tendencies of your mind. Intuitive Eating is synonymous with Conscious Eating and I will teach you in this guide, how to start Intuitive Eating or Conscious Eating. Note: Intuitive Eating or Conscious Eating is a must for you going through the Kundalini Awakening or Spiritual Awakening process throughout your life. If you ...

Where Is Prana Stored in the Body?

Where Is Prana Stored in the Body? Prana is not stored in the body but circulates in the Subtle Energy Channels called Nadis. Prana flows in the Nadis through the Central Nadi – Sushumna that is responsible for infusing Cosmic Prana in the energy channels. Along with that Prana flow in the Ida and Pingla Nadis are responsible for controlling the Lunar and Solar energy in the body. The Lunar Pranic Energy is responsible for bringing calmness and soothing effect ...

How to Activate Pranic Energy?

Pranic energy is the Cosmic Prana that remains stuck or imbalanced in your energy channels. How to Activate Pranic Energy? Here are the IGG Secrets to activate Pranic Energy: 1. Flush out Apana Pranic energy in the body is often obstructed by toxic energies or stale Prana in the energy channels, Apana. Apana is a heavy and dense energy that remains stuck in the energy channels blocking the infusion of Prana in the Energy Channels and thereby its flow. Unless ...

Forest- Highest Prana Content

How to Increase Prana Energy- The Best 25 Practical Secrets

Welcome to a journey of discovering incredible ways to enhance your Prana Energy.  Prana is a Sanskrit word that means your “life force” and “fundamental energy” that keeps you alive.  Seems unknown to you?  Are you here to find practical solutions on how to increase Prana energy?  Prana is the most confusing and unknown term for any human being because it exists in your intangible spiritual body.  You must be aware that you are a dead creature without healthy Prana, ...