Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

Life & Relationship

This is Relationship category. You will find posts from Relationship Category here.

How to deal with a controlling wife

How to Deal with a Controlling Wife? 7 Steps to Freedom

Suppose you are married to a controlling partner. In that case, life can be full of misery as she constantly criticizes and isolates you in an attempt to control every aspect of your life. How?  That’s the reason and purpose why you are here: to search on the internet for solutions to a problem that you cannot share with anyone. Don’t be shy. Often, men are considered weak when they are bullied by their controlling wives.  You may have traits ...

how to overcome victim mentality

How to Overcome Victim Mentality? The Best Practical Guide

Welcome to the journey of self-discovery and empowerment!  In this guide, you will learn how to overcome victim mentality or victimhood and self-pity.  Are you ready to transform your narrative and embrace a life driven by empowerment? In this guide, you will get the answer to your pressing problems, where I will address your prime questions: Are you ready to transform your narrative and embrace a life driven by empowerment? Key Takeaways – How to Overcome Victim Mentality? 1. Origins ...

How to create your life

How to Create Your Life? The Most Practical Guide

“What if you could truly create your life on your own terms? Imagine living a life aligned with your values, where you prioritize peace, nature, privacy, and personal fulfillment.  In this guide, I have shared the practical actions: How to create your life? You will learn to explore the power of making that decision and how it can lead to a transformative journey.  But first, let’s start by identifying the core principles that guide your life.  What matters most to ...

what is relationship

What Is Relationship? Discover the Secret Behind Relations

In this article, you will learn: What is relationship? A relationship is an energetic exchange between you and others that you experience in the form of different roles you play as a human being. In this article, I have explained to you the meaning of relationship energetically and also educated you on: Let me explain the concept of a relationship in terms of a business transaction.  In business transactions, there are debtors and creditors.  So all the transactions keep on ...

The art of saying No

The Art of Saying No: The Best Practical Guide

In this article, you will learn: Why is it important for you to know the art of saying No?  In this article, I have shared with you the importance of knowing the art of saying “No” and the best ways to say “No.” Let us have a reality check of who you are. 1. Limited supply of time, money, and energy You are an individual who is born as a human being and who has limited time, money, and energy ...