Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

Career & Wealth

The Greatest Secret to Wealth

Today I am going to unravel the secrets of creating wealth. What’s the biggest secret of utlimate wealth? The biggest secret of ultimate wealth is investment in self. From the traditional barter system to the latest Bitcoin, man has created the most powerful ways to be the wealthiest. The universe created man and man created money. How to create that wealth? The secret of being wealthy is to be healthy and professionally be a creator. Entrepreneurs are the biggest creator in this ...

The Best Ways to Improve Your Intelligence

Are you here to find the best ways to increase your Intelligence? In this guide, I will answer your question: What Are the Best Ways to Improve Your Intelligence? The best way to improve your intelligence is to be present with awareness. To invest in intelligence, you have to first know the difference between intelligence and mind. Intelligence works in the present when you operate from the awareness beyond your mind and conditioning. Intelligence is present. 2. What is mind? ...


How to Achieve Flow State? The Most Practical Guide

Flow, also known as “being in the zone,” is a state of complete immersion and focus in an activity, where time seems to fly by, and distractions disappear.  Achieving a flow state can increase productivity, creativity, and overall satisfaction with life. In this article, you will learn to explore: I will also provide practical tips and techniques on achieving a flow state, including setting clear goals, eliminating distractions, and finding activities that challenge and engage you. Whether you are a ...

How to Invest in Education? Post-Formal Education Secrets

Are you finding it challenging to focus on studying after your post-formal education? In today’s rapidly changing world, traditional forms of education may no longer be sufficient to prepare you for success.  Post-formal education, which focuses on developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability skills, is becoming increasingly important for you.  Investing in post-formal education can bring significant benefits, both for you to adapt to the dynamic expansion and growth in the world. However, some challenges need to be overcome to ...

What Is Money Energy? Unlocking the Power of Money Energy

Money is essential to our lives and can hold significant power over our emotions and decision-making.  However, what if you could turn that power around and harness it to your advantage?  That’s where the concept of “money energy” comes into play. By understanding and leveraging the energetic properties of money, we can create a more abundant and fulfilling financial reality.  In this beginner’s guide, you will learn to explore the basics of money energy and get practical tips and exercises ...

how to be a smart man?

How to Be a Smart Man? Unlocking the Secrets

In this article, you will learn: A smart man is one who is happy, listening to his intelligence, operating from consciousness, and taking dynamic actions. You can become a smart, creative, and intelligent person by making the optimum utilization of your available time, money, and energy.  When you tap into the power of your consciousness, you can use your creative ability, the intelligence of the consciousness to know the importance of the three most powerful valuable resources of your life ...

What is wealth?

What Is Wealth? Unlocking the Secrets of True Wealth

True wealth and your net worth are about your quality of life in terms of your health, wealth, and relationships. In this article, you will learn: What is wealth? The definition of wealth from my perspective is holistic and based on truth. “Wealth is the freedom and power to use your personal time, money, and energy in the most optimum way. When you are in command of your time, money, and energy, you are considered to be wealthy.” 1. Time:  ...