Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

IGG Sanju

Why Do You See Energies or Smell Fragrance During Kundalini Awakening? 

Often in your Kundalini Awakening journey, you suddenly start seeing energy particles or smell fragrances. Wonderful! You are experiencing the advanced level of energetic reality. Why is that? You are seeing divine energies. Don’t worry about it. They take formations that seems like presence of someone. Strong Shakti energy. Your senses are getting stronger – kind of sixth sense to smell beyond your nose. These are Kundalini gifts. Why Do You See Energies or Smell Fragrance During Kundalini Awakening?  The ...

What is energy healing?

IGG Sanju Online Shaktipat- Energy Healing to Heal You

Energy healing is about healing you energetically. In this article, you will learn: These three questions I am going to cover these today one by one. I was hoping you could pay full attention to what I am saying because this dimension of looking at your existence is new to you.  What is energy healing? Energy healing is the energy cleansing process that I do to clear all your energetic blockages on different levels of your life force to make ...

How to Breathe Right?

The Art of Breathing: Secrets of Conscious Life

Breathe in positivity and breathe out negativity. Conscious breathing is your divine connection with your human life. In this article, you will learn: Are you breathing right? Let me share the highest secret of health, and that is the art of conscious breathing with you.  Diagnosis: Let me first diagnose you. I know it is impossible to diagnose you individually, but I can guide you through analyzing whether you are breathing right or not by checking how you are breathing. ...

What is health?

What Is Health? Unraveling the Mystery of the Best Health

Health is everything. Your freedom,  happiness, and power are meaningful when you are the healthiest to enjoy your life.  In this article, you will learn: What is health? Health is the condition of your total existence when you are radiating with the most vibrant energy. The definition of health according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is : “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” What I ...

How to deal with a controlling wife

How to Deal with a Controlling Wife? 7 Steps to Freedom

Suppose you are married to a controlling partner. In that case, life can be full of misery as she constantly criticizes and isolates you in an attempt to control every aspect of your life. How?  That’s the reason and purpose why you are here: to search on the internet for solutions to a problem that you cannot share with anyone. Don’t be shy. Often, men are considered weak when they are bullied by their controlling wives.  You may have traits ...

Why Is Gratitude Important?

Why Is Gratitude Important? The Best Kundalini Healing Guide

Gratitude is one of the most potent energies that transforms you. I have written this guide for you if you have the following burning issues:  Let us explore the importance of Gratitude Energy, which has the power to do miracles for you in energetic ways. Why Is Gratitude Important? Exploring the Benefits I am often asked this question: Why is Gratitude important? The direct answer is:  Gratitude is one of the most positive energies that you experience as a human being. ...

What Is Consciousness

What Is Consciousness? The Most Radical Guide

Consciousness is who you are. Consciousness is the invisible perceiver, awareness, and witness.  Though you are witnessing presence as consciousness, you experience life from the perspective of your limited mental conditioning and beliefs. You have to unlearn everything to learn the truth of who you are. In this article, you will learn: You will also get answers to the many questions in your mind about consciousness and the clarity of your confusion.  You can take my further help to clear ...

What Is Spiritual Awareness

What Is Spiritual Awareness? Learn to Be Spiritual Aware

Spiritual awareness is your opportunity to know the reason for who are you and what you are doing here. Your sense of spirituality and conscious connection with your spirit(soul) are the signs that you need to meditate on your existence. In this article, you will learn: What Is Spiritual Awareness? The most important purpose of becoming spiritually aware is to know about the following: 1. Existential reality: Spirituality is about seeking and knowing your existential reality as a spirit(soul) and ...

What Is Kundalini Awakening? 

What Is Kundalini Awakening? A Demystifying Complete Guide

Kundalini Awakening is a rare phenomenon, and very few people are aware of this spontaneous divine process happening in many individuals in the present world. This article aims to make you understand the basics of the Kundalini Awakening journey.  There is a possibility that you are experiencing Kundalini Awakening and not getting any solutions to process the energy. To educate yourself more on it, or if you are going through Kundalini Awakening, you can join our Inner GPS Gurus Kundalini ...

What Is Kundalini? The Best Guide to Understand Kundalini

Kundalini is the Universal Divine Shakti Energy that is the power behind all the movements in this universe. Kundalini is referred as the sleeping serpent at the base of the spine in human beings, in the Root Chakra. In this guide, I will enlighten you about all the deeper truths about Kundalini and will demystify all that has been your seeking till now. What Is Kundalini? I will explain Kundalini to you in the context of:  1. Kundalini in the ...