Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

IGG Avadhut

10 Secrets to Improve Your Health – The Best Guide

In this guide, I will share the secrets to improve your health. Begin loving yourself unconditionally and follow your feelings. Health is Wealth. But the million dollar question is how to be healthy forever ? Love yourself unconditionally and be happy. Once in a while hug yourself, give a pat on your back, take enough rest and eat well. Wash your face with cool water minimum five times a day and feel your serenity of being. 10 Secrets to Improve ...

The Best Ways to Improve Your Intelligence

Are you here to find the best ways to increase your Intelligence? In this guide, I will answer your question: What Are the Best Ways to Improve Your Intelligence? The best way to improve your intelligence is to be present with awareness. To invest in intelligence, you have to first know the difference between intelligence and mind. Intelligence works in the present when you operate from the awareness beyond your mind and conditioning. Intelligence is present. 2. What is mind? ...

Can You Awaken Kundalini through Shaktipat? 

Are you here seeking the answer for:  Can you awaken Kundalini through Shaktipat?  The answer is yes or no. Shaktipat is energy transmission. It is a very powerful energy transmission from Guru to student. Now the same Kundalini which is flowing in the Guru is flowing in the student as well. The frequency, the power matters a lot.  The Kundalini in Guru wants to uplift or raise the student. Now if the person is not destined to be free in ...

Kundalini Awakening Workshops 

Are you seeking for Kundalini Awakening Workshops? Today I am going to tell you the purpose of Inner GPS Gurus as such you may call it an organization, you may call it a website. But the main purpose is to raise “One Lakh Men”, also who actually are or can be included in this. My target is “One Lakh Men” who are going through Kundalini Awakening now. Kundalini Awakening or you may call it spiritual awakening who are going through ...

Kundalini Awakening Vs. Matrix 

Kundalini Awakening Vs. Matrix 

After going beyond Enlightenment, I realized that Kundalini Awakening, or Spiritual Awakening, is the most misguided and misunderstood phenomenon in the existing world. Kundalini Awakening Vs. Matrix is the most important clarity, that you must have to progress in your spiritual awakening journey. Suppose you are going through Kundalini Awakening and looking for solutions worldwide. You are most likely to be portrayed as the esoteric or mystical explanation of Kundalini in various spiritual traditions across various cultures.  In the quest for ...

Kundalini Awakening and the IGG Freedom Model

IGG Freedom Model is my invention of the way of living life in ultimate freedom. IGG Freedom Model is exclusively for those who are going through the Kundalini Awakening journey. IGG Freedom Model is the most challenging yet the most powerful way of living life in your way without depending on anyone personally. Suppose you are going through the Kundalini Awakening journey and you do not want to be part of the Matrix, then the good news for you is ...

What Is Sahaj Samadhi? Why Is It So Important? Here’s My Experience

Sahaj Samadhi is the most challenging phase of human evolutionary journey.  Sahaj Samadhi is the most important and crucial stage of the Kundalini Awakening journey, even more dangerous than the total Kundalini Awakening journey from the moment it awakens till it pierces Crown Chakra and merges with Universal Consciousness.  Why Is Sahaj Samadhi Stage of Kundalini Awakening so Challenging?  To understand the meaning of Sahaj Samadhi, you must first understand what Samadhi is and what Sahaj means in Sahaj Samadhi ...

What Does Kundalini Do?

Kundalini performs the following functions in its awakened and fully integrated state with the Universal Consciousness.  What Does Kundalini Do? Here’s the Complete List: 1. Awakening consciousness Kundalini awakens higher states of consciousness, and you get access to Universal Intelligence and Divine Powers.  2. Energy flow Kundalini facilitates the flow of energy along the spine. 3. Chakra activation Kundalini is associated with the activation and balancing of the body’s energy centers/ energy vortexes, known as Chakras. 4. Spiritual transformation Kundalini ...

How Does Kundalini Awaken?

Kundalini awakens from the base of the spine at the Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) in the following circumstances: Kundalini awakens only when the maturity time of the Divine Shakti energy comes. In the above five circumstances, Kundalini is most likely to awaken when the fructition time of the Soul based on Prarabdha comes. Learn how does kundalini awaken through an example: Your Soul (Individual Consciousness/ Kundalini) has travelled millions of birth and now it’s time to burn all your Karmas ...

How to Activate Your Sixth Sense: Unlocking the Mysteries

How to Activate Your Sixth Sense How to Activate Your Sixth Sense – The elusive sixth sense—said to be our gateway to deeper intuition and a more profound spiritual connection—has been both a source of wonder and a subject of debate. Often overshadowed by the physical senses, this inner voice promises an enhanced intuition that lies within the grasp of those willing to explore beyond the conventional. In this comprehensive guide, we invite you on a transformative journey to activate ...