Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

IGG Avadhut

What Is Shaktipat?

Shaktipat is energy transmission or transfer of Shakti energy transfer from a Spiritual Guru or Spiritual Master to a true seeker of truth. The Spiritual Master/ Guru must be a Siddha. Who Is Siddha? Siddha is an Enlightened Master with Siddhis, Spiritual Powers. Is there a Guru who can initiate me to realize Kundalini? I am already an Avdhoota and with my Inner GPS Activation – Shaktipat. For the exclusive benefits of my Inner GPS Activation, you can read the following article: I heal you energetically ...

How Do I Know that My Kundalini Is Awakened?

Kundalini Awakening is an energetic phenomenon and it is not yet under the diagnosis of scientific evidence and instruments. We at Inner GPS Gurus have invented the Inner GPS Kundalini Workshops where we help you diagnose your Kundalini Awakening as well as facilitate it through Inner GPS Activation – Shaktipat. Kundalini Awakening is an experiential energetic reality that has its own significance and signs. Since the beginning of human evolution, human beings have experienced Kundalini Awakening in their lives. Ancient ...

What Is the Difference Between Kundalini Rising and Awakening? Are They One and Same? 

Kundalini Rising and Kundalini Awakening are different in the sense of functions Kundalini performs. Kundalini Awakening means when Kundalini Shakti– energy wakes up from its dormant state and begins clearing Karmas at the Root Chakra. Kundalini Awakening is referred to the process till Kundalini completes its journey till it reaches the Eighth Chakra. Whereas, Kundalini Rising means rising from one Chakra to another and clearing one Chakra by another after getting awakened. If you have more questions, you can ask ...

Is There Any Way I Can Avoid Having My Kundalini Rise Without Going Through Trauma or Pain?

Yes, there is a way that you can adapt to facilitate your Kundalini rising without going through Trauma and Pain. That path or route is the way of 100% surrender to the Kundalini Shakti energy. But the problem and the obstacle in that path is that your Ego-identification will pose resistance to the process. Vipassana Meditation is one of the ways of surrendering to the Divine Shakti energy by allowing you to cleanse your energy channels. Some may complete this ...

Can I Have a Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening? How Do I Manage it After?

Kundalini Awakening takes place spontaneously in natural conditions. If Kundalini Awakening has happened unnaturally then it may be dangerous and lead to complications like Kundalini Pychosis. Anyone including you can have Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening provided: How to manage spontaneous Kundalini Awakening? Kundalini is the most complex and challenging journey of spiritual evolution. If you have any further questions, you can ask me.

Kundalini Awakening Stages – The Ultimate Guide

Did you ever feel a mysterious, powerful force inside you pushing you towards something greater?  If your answer is – “Yes,” then you are going through Kundalini Awakening, a deep spiritual journey filled with hidden potential. Kundalini Awakening is an energetic phenomenon that lies dormant at the base of your spine, harnessing immense hidden power. When Kundalini gets activated, you can experience life-changing benefits such as: Is this journey something you are ready to explore in order to unlock these ...

Why Is it that After Kundalini Awakening, I don’t Want to Work?

You don’t want to work after Kundalini Awakening because all your energies stuck in mind and mental patterns of working in a certain way are transmuted by Kundalini. Kundalini works to transmute your lifetimes of mental patterns known as Karmas, into divine energies. Thereafter you don’t live to work, you live to express, to flow, and live life in freedom from your Inner GPS. Your Inner GPS is your Internal Guidance System that is Kundalini itself. Without Kundalini’s will and ...

Why Does Kundalini Get Stuck on Top of Head?

Kundalini Shakti Energy pierces and travels through all your Chakras and reaches Crown Chakra – your top of head. Here are the reasons why Kundalini gets stuck on top of head: To remove or help Kundalini move out from your top of head is to surrender completely to its power and accept that your life is no longer in your control. The more you surrender to Kundalini, the Guru within and to your outside Guru, you will be free from ...

What Causes People to Feel Like They Are ‘Not Themselves’ When They Have a Spiritual/ Kundalini Awakening?

People feel like Ego, they are someone, a personality with features. More importantly they identify themselves as human beings. No other species apart from human beings have ego because they do not have an egoic mind. All other species follow only what they feel as a living being and live their life naturally. Only human beings live an egoic life and create Karmas. What are Karmas? Karmas are nothing but egoic energies filled with Vasanas and Vikaras locked in your ...

Chitralekha Udyan

#1 IGG- Verified Energy Vortex – Chitralekha Udyan, Tezpur, India

Are you seeking an Energy Vortex to energize and rejuvenate you? Then you are lucky to have landed here, where you will find an energy vortex that you have been searching for.  I am sharing with you that my visit to a new energy vortex was a part of my IGG-Verified Energy Vortexes Project.  I went to Chitralekha Udyan with my team to check whether it was an energy vortex or not. By checking energetic vortexes, my purpose is to ...