Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

Consciousness, Awareness, Presence

Being Vs. Doing IGG Practical Consciousness Secret

Being Vs. Doing- IGG Practical Consciousness Secret Guide

When people meet you, what they ask you- what’s the first question they ask you, they ask you-  What do you do? It means-  “You are not a Human-Being. You are Human-Doing.”  That means they get an opportunity to judge you based on your actions. When you use the mind, it judges and has limited information and analytical role. IGG Avadhut’s Powerful Explosive Awakening Teachings- Being Vs. Doing Being Vs. Doing- IGG Practical Consciousness Secret What is being and doing- ...

What Is Consciousness

What Is Consciousness? The Most Radical Guide

Consciousness is who you are. Consciousness is the invisible perceiver, awareness, and witness.  Though you are witnessing presence as consciousness, you experience life from the perspective of your limited mental conditioning and beliefs. You have to unlearn everything to learn the truth of who you are. In this article, you will learn: You will also get answers to the many questions in your mind about consciousness and the clarity of your confusion.  You can take my further help to clear ...