Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

Kundalini & Shaktipat

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What does a kundalini awakening feel like

What Does a Kundalini Awakening Feel Like?

Are you experiencing weird symptoms such as eccentric behavior, mood swings, and panic attacks? Thankfully, in the digital era, you took the first step to search for solutions on the internet.  Dear, you’re not alone in this journey. Every week, I connect with individuals like you, searching for answers in a world that often lacks understanding. I am a Kundalini Expert, IGG Avadhut, who has helped countless people on their Kundalini Awakening journey through Inner GPS Activation. I’m here to ...

What Happens When Kundalini Awakens?

Kundalini Awakening is a spiritual phenomenon experienced by many people throughout history and still happening with many worldwide.  Kundalini Awakening is a powerful and transformative experience that can profoundly change you and your life.  In this article, you will learn: Whether you are curious about Kundalini Awakening or have already experienced it, this article will provide valuable insights into this fascinating and often misunderstood phenomenon. In this guide, I am sharing David’s case study with you. If you have similar ...

what is the role of a spiritual master?

What Is the Role of a Spiritual Master? Secrets Revealed

The role of a spiritual master or spiritual Guru is to show you the hope and the light of the life force, which is your divine gift of human birth. Your relationship with your spiritual master is already destined energetically and functions on the laws of divine relationship. In this article, you will learn: Who is a spiritual master? Before reading this article, close your eyes and sit in silence for a moment and become aware of who you are. ...