Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

The Reality of Indian Professionals -Save Yourself Guide!

IGG Avadhut

The Reality of Indian Professionals

What is wrong with Indian doctors, yoga therapists, and health professionals?

In my experience, after meeting 500+ yoga therapists, doctors, and health professionals, I can say that they underdiagnosed you.

The reason is that they need to be equipped with the depth of cases in their experience.

They are not seasoned ones. 

You can also say that they are not professionals.

They have yet to work on themselves.

“They have not worked on themselves” means that after every case, they should go towards excellence, but it is not the thing.

It is not the truth.

Reality Check

1. In fact, if they get a complex case, then they start bullying the patient.

2. Next, they will write some prescriptions so that you can start working on them. 

You will follow that perfectly if you are a good student and a good patient.

3. But after a few days or weeks, you understand that it is not working, and then they will put that thing under the tag of “stress.”

They will say that you are undergoing stress, there is anxiety and stress in your life, and due to this, you are not getting the results.

4. Next thing is their overconfidence. 

They are so overconfident that within 5 minutes, they give you the things to work on and then remove themselves from their responsibility or duty. A good professional should be responsible, knowledgeable, and experienced.

If you do not find these qualities in any professional, then fire them:

  1. Do not work with them.
  2. Refrain from encouraging their work confidence. 
  3. Do not support their unprofessionalism.


Here is the solution:

1. First, they should work on themselves and appear only after that in the market to provide services to patients or students.

2. Only half of them, or 10%, are eligible to be called professionals, whether doctors or yoga experts.

3. In my experience, they have checked the diagnosis or the impression of the MRI report on Google. So, after a Google search, they understand what the diagnosis is. 

4. They have to upgrade themselves daily if they still need to.

5. This means that 90% of the professionals I met are people who are in the cabin and not working on themselves.

If you meet them, and you are depressed due to your illness, you will get more depressed and feel criminalized by meeting these depressive people.

6. If you meet these depressive people, if you are a good human being, then your energy will automatically be impacted by their depressive energy field.

Your anxiety, stress, and depression will increase, and they will put it on you.

7. It is a deadly combination. If the person is depressed and you are taking service from professionals, then it is harmful to you. They showcase confidence on their face and commit to what they are doing. 

8. They turn hostile towards you when they understand, they cannot cure you.

Action Plan 

1. If you do not follow or see such qualities in a human being or a professional, then stay away from such people.

2. Save your time, money and energy 

Do this from today.

There are enough options in the market, so do your research. 

Check what Google reviews say about the person, use your own judgment, and then meet the person.

Use your Inner GPS to see what your energy tells you about that person.

Even if you meet the person and have paid money for the subsequent five sessions, you understand that this person is not of any use to you, then tell the person that-

“I am not feeling well and can’t continue with the next sessions.

Please refund my money”.

If the professional is really professional, he will refund your money.

But suppose the professional is not a good human being, not a good professional. In that case, he will not return your money, and this way, such people create Karma. You will say such people are mediocre in their professions and lives. 

Their life is messed up!

Their energy is vibrating at a lower frequency.

How do We Practice the Highest Professionalism?

At Inner GPS Gurus, we check/diagnose our students’ and clients’ energy and each individual is taken seriously.

We diagnose the person through our Energetic Reading(Inner GPS Energy Reading), also called Psychic Reading.

After that, we answer the questions about health, career, wealth, relationships, spirituality, and Kundalini awakening.

We give you a proper action plan to work on/.

We also do not take advance money for a package of sessions.

You need to pay individually for each session. If you are happy with the session, we suggest you take the next session based on your needs and feelings.

We are more concerned about our energy while providing the service than taking the student’s time, money, and energy for granted.

So, if you have any questions about professional ethics or your Inner GPS, you can have our consultation.


  • IGG Avadhut

    IGG Avadhut is the Founder of Inner GPS Gurus. He is a Life Coach and Kundalini Master. He helps only action-takers. He enjoys dissolving your problems through action-based energy work. Get Solutions to your Life Problems (Career, Wealth, Productivity, Relationship, Spirituality, Kundalini, Shaktipat, and Health).

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