Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

Kundalini & Shaktipat

This is Kundalini Category.

What Is the Dark Side of Kundalini? 

Kundalini awakening is also known as the “Dark Night of the Soul”. The dark side of Kundalini Awakening is that it brings with it 360° transformation in your life filled with challenges on the: There are more dark sides of Kundalini that will take lives to explain. But ignoring the dark side means you are running away from the challenges that the divine Kundalini Shakti energy poses on you to free you one day. The bright side of Kundalini is ...

How Can I Find a Real Spiritual Master that Can Help Me with My Spontaneous Awakened Kundalini?

You can find a real Spiritual Master/ Guru to help you with your spontaneous Kundalini Awakening at Inner GPS Gurus. We both are the only Kundalini Masters in the world to help you with your Spontaneous Awakened Kundalini. How can we help you? How to find us? Email us at our email. What’s your eligibility to take our workshop? Be a student and learner. Surrender completely to the Guru and the divine energies. Only your receptivity will determine how you ...

What is the Buzzing Sound During Kundalini Rising?

The buzzing sound is the sound of movement of energy in the subtle energy field. The buzzing sound is similar to the sound of insect cricket. The more Kundalini rises, the louder the sound becomes and at times you feel like going away from the awakening journey. It is too much for the human brain to listen to this buzzing sound 24/7, non-stop. Facts: Your human ear can listen to sounds only up to the range between 20 Hz and ...

Are Kundalini and Chakras the Same?

No, Kundalini and Chakras are not the same. Kundalini is your invisible formless, primordial energy responsible for your birth and evolution. Kundalini is the Divine Feminine Shakti energy responsible for Chakras are Energy Vortexes or Energy Centers located in your subtle energy body, corresponding to its similar position throughout your Spinal Cord region. There are seven Chakras in the human energy field: The Eighth Chakra is in your Aura, an energy field beyond your physical body appearance above your head. ...

Is Kundalini Awakening Permanent?

Yes, Kundalini Awakening is permanent. Kundalini Awakening is an irreversible journey and it always happens in progression. The Kundalini awakening journey begins from removing blockages at your Root Chakra. It reaches the next Chakra only after the blockages are removed completely. Step 1: First it clears your Karmic energies like fear, insecurity, shame, guilt, blame and grief blocked at your Root Chakra. Step 2: Then it moves upward to the Sacral Chakra and clears emotional blockages like possessiveness, trauma from ...

Why Am I Crying Every Day as I Go Through a Kundalini Awakening?

You are crying everyday in your Kundalini Awakening journey because Kundalini is cleansing past blockages from your energy channels. Kundalini has the process of cleansing, purifying, balancing and integrating itself in different phases as it ascends. Also Kundalini energy does the unblocking through the following cleansing agents: When Kundalini uses the air (Prana) for cleansing, you will feel breathless. When Kundalini uses the wind (Vata), you will feel fatigued. When Kundalini uses water (Jal), you will feel like crying and ...

Why Do I Feel Energy in My Feet as I Go Through a Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual Awakening is your awakening of Kundalini energy. When Kundalini awakens in you, it clears your energy channels and unblocks your Karmic energy in the Chakras carried forward from past lives. Here is the direct answer to your question: The energies that you feel in your feet during Kundalini Awakening are the excess energies that are released into the universal energy field through the openings at your feet. At the opening of your feet are the openings or the Energy ...

What Is the Dark Night of the Soul?

The Dark Night of the Soul is the phase of the Kundalini Awakening journey when you experience the most challenging time of your human evolution. Why is the Kundalini Awakening phase called the Dark Night of the Soul? Because Kundalini Awakening is a journey into the unknown universe of Consciousness and freedom. Without a roadmap and pattern, Kundalini Awakening journey is an adventurous, dynamic journey that takes different twists and turns every moment. You are often left alone in this ...

How Much Water Should I Drink in Kundalini Awakening?

I often get asked this question: How Much Water Should I Drink in Kundalini Awakening? Kundalini awakening demands a lot of nutrition from food and water intake because the energy produced by the cells is the fuel to push the Kundalini energy upwards along your spine. You should drink enough water, a minimum of 5-10 liters and at times 20 liters, that is needed by your body. How Much Water Should I Drink in Kundalini Awakening? You will feel dryness ...