Kundalini Awakening and Shaktipat Workshop in Bangalore, India

Kundalini & Shaktipat

This is Kundalini Category.

What are the Blockages Am I Encountering in the Kundalini’s Path of My Awakening?

Blockages are the Karmic blockages that remain stuck in your energy channels in the form of Vasanas and Vikaras. Vasanas and Vikaras are the mental blockages that: Vikaras are negative emotions or mental disturbances. Vasanas means tendencies or desires. Vikaras – Negative Emotions have densest energy vibrations that create hindrance in the smooth flow of Kundalini energy through your energy channels. Vasanas – Tendencies and Desires have distracting energy vibrations that always bring unwanted thoughts and keep you obsessed in ...

What Are the Effects of Kundalini Rising through Sushumna Nadi during Meditation or While Doing Yoga Postures?

The prime effect of Kundalini energy rising through Sushumna Nadi during meditation practices or doing Yoga postures are: Sushumna Nadi when activated raises your level of consciousness and you mostly operate as Consciousness. When your Sushusma Nadi is activated: Vagus Nerve when activated cures many ailments in your body. Note: The above happens when you do meditation or yoga to balance Kundalini energy which has already Awakened in you. If you have any more questions, you can ask me.

Is Kundalini Awakening Rare?

Yes, Kundalini Awakening is rare. Why is Kundalini Awakening rare? Kundalini awakening is the longest evolutionary journey of expansion and contraction of energy. 1. Expansion in the sense that, energy takes different formations to evolve and grow as Consciousness by living different lives. Living lives is the only way to explore life, experience life, expand and explode. 2. Contraction happens as a result of expansion because when the energy takes formations of expansion, if the result of that action is ...

What Benefits Do I Have When My Kundalini Has Been Awakened?

When your Kundalini has been awakened, your possibility of becoming free- Moksha increases. Kundalini Awakening ultimately leads to: Moksha-Liberation-Freedom -Enlightenment. You are stuck in the Samsara because of your Karmic unsettled accounts. I will explain to you how Kundalini benefits you on your all Chakra levels, thereafter freeing you in all areas of your life- health, wealth, relationships and spiritual dimensions. 1. Root Chakra: Kundalini removes your Karmic energy blockages of fear, insecurity, guilt, shame, blame, hopelessness and despair. 2. ...

Why and How Do I Practice Non-Doing During my Kundalini Awakening journey?

Kundalini awakens in you to uproot you from the mundane actions of life. Why practice “Non-Doing” During your Kundalini Awakening journey? Kundalini Awakening is a divine process that awakens you from your dreaming state of living a human life. Kundalini being the primordial energy, has been existing in you from the inception of “beginning of life” on this earth. The universal Kundalini or Cosmic Kundalini was always existing and still existing in its non-doing nature. Similarly, Kundalini is non-doing in ...

What Happens After a Kundalini Awakening?

After the spontaneous Kundalini Awakening and completion of the Kundalini Awakening journey: Moksha, liberation, enlightenment, freedom and Godliness are all names of the state of : And everything that you cannot experience as long as your energy is stuck in the Body- Mind- Ego complex. Kundalini after awakening works on your Karmic blockages in your Energy Channels (Nadis) through clearing the blockages, Vikaras and Vasanas in your Chakras. Kundalini itself becomes the cleansing agent and does the following process after ...

When Speaking to Another Person, I Feel Tingles in My Crown Chakra. Are they from the Other Person or from Me?

When you are speaking to another person and you feel tingles in your Crown Chakra, it is 100 % happening in your energy center. They are due to the other person but happening in you. When you are going through Kundalini Awakening and your Kundalini reaches your Third Eye or Crown Chakra, the tingling sensations intensify. If you still do not know whether you are going through Kundalini Awakening or not then get yourself diagnosed through our Inner GPS Kundalini ...

Does Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening Cause Constant Dizziness?

Yes, spontaneous Kundalini Awakening causes constant dizziness. Here are the reasons: How to feel grounded and comfortable with spontaneous Kundalini Awakening? Here are some secrets that work: If you have further questions, you can ask me.

What Is the Dark Side of Kundalini? 

Kundalini awakening is also known as the “Dark Night of the Soul”. The dark side of Kundalini Awakening is that it brings with it 360° transformation in your life filled with challenges on the: There are more dark sides of Kundalini that will take lives to explain. But ignoring the dark side means you are running away from the challenges that the divine Kundalini Shakti energy poses on you to free you one day. The bright side of Kundalini is ...

How Can I Find a Real Spiritual Master that Can Help Me with My Spontaneous Awakened Kundalini?

You can find a real Spiritual Master/ Guru to help you with your spontaneous Kundalini Awakening at Inner GPS Gurus. We both are the only Kundalini Masters in the world to help you with your Spontaneous Awakened Kundalini. How can we help you? How to find us? Email us at our email. What’s your eligibility to take our workshop? Be a student and learner. Surrender completely to the Guru and the divine energies. Only your receptivity will determine how you ...