Why Do Women Show Cleavage to Men? The Best Practical Guide for Nice Guys

IGG Avadhut

Why Do Women Show Cleavage to Men?

Helping nice guys become masculine men is the next topic in the series.

In the future, you will see and benefit from many topics for nice guys or men who want to become masculine.

This guide is a topic for men, so if you’re a woman or female reading this guide, you can skip this guide.

It may add little value to your life.

This topic is helpful for men or nice guys who want to know the psychology of women.

Why Do Women Show Cleavage to Men?

As a nice guy, you must have seen when you meet women then, they show cleavage- slight, big cleavage.

I won’t go into detail, but it is less of a fashion and more of an intention.

Imagine or remember to remind yourself that whenever you meet a woman outside, maybe through a dating site or a woman who is showing cleavage in the office.

You are having a cup of tea with her.

Imagine what you feel. If you’re a nice guy, this topic is for you, but if you’re an intelligent man, then this topic is not for you.

The woman is showing cleavage to you as a nice guy, a kind man as a hook, because of the reasons I will share with you in this guide.

So read with complete attention to experience the shift in your energy.

I’m going to give you chronologically the points to educate yourself and see what happens:

1. Stealing your attention

Women show cleavage to gain your attention.

“Where attention goes energy flows and it grows.” 

They gain your attention because the woman knows that the man is weak.

After all, whatever is attractive to the opposite gender is an easy target for attraction, such as a nice guy.

I’m going into the psychology of a nice guy, and you will feel what I’m going to show.

Step 1: Understanding the psychology of a nice guy

Visualize it with me that a woman is in front of you.

You’re having both, maybe snacks- a cup of tea, and she is showing cleavage.

In that case, the nice guy may not look at the cleavage directly because beliefs limit him, and he wants to show the image.

He’s very conscious of his image of a nice guy, so you may not see it entirely despite seeing the cleavage.

The cleavage is lovely to you as a man, as a boy, and as a nice guy. It is beautiful.

Someone is showing cleavage, and as a man of the opposite gender, something happens to you.

Your eyes are always going towards you, but as a nice guy, as a conscious image holding that person, you will avoid looking at it.

In front of you, there is an excellent thing, but you will divert your attention to the talks, the coffee you are having, the snacks you are having, and the different topics you will do.

This expected behavior is precisely what the woman knows- who is showing cleavage.

You are a nice guy, and she wants to attract your attention.

What is your weakness?

If you are a masculine man, you will take action.

That means you will approach her for physical things- in direct words- to sleep with her.

But as a nice guy, you will not have that courage because you will see:

  • “What does she think if I am going to say something?”
  • “If I look at the cleavage, what she may think about it.”
  • “I’m very conscious about my image of a nice guy. I’m not going to dilute it now.”

Step 2: Marriage trap

Once you have given your attention, slowly after that, you will start meeting her frequently.

That is her intention to meet you frequently.

By meeting frequently, she wants to develop a bond as a girlfriend or someone special to you, so you start feeling special yourself, and you want to fall into a trap.

You will fall into the trap of marriage because she wants to marry you.

Nice guys who are very good are straightforward targets for women.

It’s an easy target for women; as for my students’ experiences and how I interact with them, I know they’re very handsome, good-looking men. Still, they don’t dare to say “No.”

Nice guys are nice guys because:

  • Their career is good
  • They are successful professionally
  • They’re well educated

For your wisdom, women want it, though it’s a cheap way to attract men with your cleavage.

The nice guy doesn’t have that knowledge, so he goes ahead and thinks of getting married. Eventually, you marry the woman, and the story starts.

2. Manipulative story begins

Here, the story starts, and it develops into manipulation.

The woman begins manipulating you because you are not essential to her.

What is more important- your bank balance, your presence.

Because nice guys are well respected in society:

  • due to their discipline
  • due to their “family-man” behavior
  • due to their obedience

The manipulation will start here. Your girlfriend-fiance will start babifiying you, and cheating will happen because the woman is showing cleavage to you, which means she will show cleavage to other men as well.

If she’s working in the office and will do this, she wants to dominate you. She will dominate you, fool you directly.

So, you start noticing this behavior in her.

She will cheat you.

Showing cleavage to other men is direct cheating.

She wants to attract other men despite her relationship with you.

What does this mean?

It means she wants to cheat on you.

She wants to dominate you, come what may.

I’m like this because by looking at the cleavage, you said yes, that means now you are my servant, so here comes the third point- Lifetime slavery.

3. Lifetime slavery

She wants to hire you as a full-time servant for a lifetime.

For a lifetime, she’s getting a nice guy as a full-time servant who is going to live just by showing cleavage.

If you look at your psychology as a nice guy, you are attracted to her as feminine female energy, but is she that?

No, she’s a manipulator.

Whosoever is showing cleavage and gaining the attention of other men in a relationship is a cheater.

It is a very cunning way.

4. The cycle of greed and domination

You will not be able to say no to her demands. She will start asking for more things; the next point is that women are generally greedy.

It means they have lots of needs she will ask for, and if she’s earning, she will dominate you.

If she’s not earning, then she will ask for many things.

She will show her greed in many things like lipstick and clothes.

Even if these clothes are enough for her, she will start asking for more and more; it’s like a maintenance issue.

She is in masculine energy.

If she’s dominating you, she’s in masculine energy; she’s not in feminine energy.

Feminine energy is always a surrendered energy-receiving energy. It’s not a dominating energy.

Why does this happen? Because you’re not in masculine energy.

What is masculine energy?

Masculine energy will always take the lead.

It will always try to

  1. Provide
  2. Protect
  3. Precede
  4. Penetrate

5. Demand for children

She would like to have children because, as a woman, her ego gets caressed when she becomes a mother.

Keep this thing in mind.

All the expenses and the investment required for the child are taken from you because you’re are a man you have to give- for whom-

  • For her greed
  • For her dream
  • For caressing her ego

Emotions are created in you this way: The spouse instills emotions towards your future kid. 

Time to Introspect

I’m showing you the psychological things you can start noticing in women.

If you see social media, women are quickly showing cleavage. It can be any social media app.

I’m not going to mention the names, but if you see them, then they’re showing their cleavage quickly.

Ask yourself:

Why are women showing cleavage to men?

Your woman can be nude in front of you in private.

But if she is showing everything in public.

What’s the value of that thing in you?

It is of the public, not of you as a man.

As a masculine man, you should stand up for your own choices.

A nice guy always surrenders to the woman, and the woman takes advantage of this.

Through my guides, I intend to uplift nice guys and take them towards masculinity.

It’s my mission to make more masculine men by telling you the reality and training them, and that’s what I’m doing through this guide.

My advice to you is don’t fall into the trap of cleavage.

Cleavages are attractive. They’re indeed attractive to a man.

But when in public, there is a strict no.

Go beyond physical attributes, go into her psyche, and check:

  1. Whether she is going to be the right match for you?
  2. Whether she is in feminine energy?

My future guides will teach you how to sense feminine energy in females.

All females are not in feminine energy.

It’s scarce in today’s world.

As a masculine man, you have the right and choice to select females based on their feminine energy.

I’m teaching you that intelligence. I’m training you how to sense feminine energy in females.

Cleavage is a trap. Please don’t fall into it.

If you have any questions, are a nice guy, and have genuine questions, write to us in the comment box.

Our team approves only genuine questions, and I will answer your questions.

With this, I wish you all the best and have masculine energy.

Good luck!


  • IGG Avadhut

    IGG Avadhut is the Founder of Inner GPS Gurus. He is a Life Coach and Kundalini Master. He helps only action-takers. He enjoys dissolving your problems through action-based energy work. Get Solutions to your Life Problems (Career, Wealth, Productivity, Relationship, Spirituality, Kundalini, Shaktipat, and Health).

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