Are you tired of the health issues and sufferings during your Spiritual Awakening or Kundalini Awakening journey?
Suppose you are going through the Kundalini Awakening and are already experiencing the suffering of your physical health. In that case, I assure you that this is the best guide for you.
In this guide, I will share with you the deepest secrets of the Prana combustion process that leads to the accumulation of Apana, which you will not find anywhere else.
- To gain the most out of this wisdom and implement it in your life, I suggest that you read this guide step by step and, if required, take my personal Coaching on this topic.
- The level of understanding required for the process is more intellectual and energetic than any logic of your conditioned mind.
- So keep your knowledge aside and read this guide with a fresh approach with your common sense activated and be present with your Consciousness.
This guide will be an interactive one with a scientific approach to questioning and answering. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments section below. I will clarify that.
Let’s begin the exploration of: Kundalini Awakening Combustion – Prana Vs Apana Secrets.
Kundalini Awakening Combustion – Prana Vs Apana

Kundalini Awakening Combustion – Prana Vs Apana
You must understand the basic premise of the Kundalini Awakening process.
Kundalini is a fiery energy as well as cooling energy. Kundalini Energy requires fuel, and Prana energy is produced from the combustion of matter.
No energy can be created until the process of combustion happens, either in a conditioned environment or natural environment.
Kundalini is a dormant spiritual energy that resides at the base of the spine. When awakened, it travels up the spine, activating various energy centers (Chakras) and leading to heightened states of Consciousness.
Much like the Phoenix rising from its ashes, Kundalini awakening symbolizes a profound spiritual rebirth, emerging stronger and transformed from the depths of inner combustion.
Imbalances in Prana and Apana, along with other factors, influence the awakening and flow of Kundalini energy.
A rocket goes up due to the principle of action and reaction described by Newton’s Third Law of Motion.
As the rocket engine burns fuel, it expels high-speed gases through the rocket’s nozzle.
According to Newton’s third law, “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”.
In this case, the action is the expulsion of gases, and the reaction is the rocket being pushed in the opposite direction.
The fuel propels the rocket upward into space.
The continuous expulsion of gases provides a sustained thrust, allowing the rocket to overcome Earth’s gravitational pull and reach its destination.
In the context of Kundalini energy, consider Prana as the fuel, Kundalini as the rocket, and Consciousness as the space beyond Earth’s gravitational pull, often associated with the higher Chakras.
When Prana, the life force energy, is harnessed and directed due to Kundalini awakening, it pushes the Kundalini energy upwards to move from one Chakra to another Chakra.
Kundalini is located at the base of the spine, often represented as the Root Chakra, associated with the Earth.
As the Kundalini energy rises through the Central Energy Channel (Sushumna), it parallels the rocket ascending.
The ascent represents a journey towards higher states of consciousness beyond the limitations of the Root Chakra, symbolizing the gravitational pull of earthly concerns- Maya( pull of the mind).
The meeting with Consciousness signifies a union with higher awareness, spiritual enlightenment, and a transcendental experience.
Here are some symptoms or experiences that you may attribute to imbalances in Prana and Apana during Kundalini awakening:
1. Physical symptoms:
- Heat or cold sensations: Feeling intense heat or cold in certain parts of the body, especially along the spine.
- Involuntary movements: Spontaneous movements or jerks, often referred to as kriyas, may be seen as the body’s way of releasing blocked energy.
2. Psychological and emotional symptoms:
- Intense emotions: Emotional ups and downs, ranging from bliss and ecstasy to anxiety and fear.
- Heightened sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli, including light, sound, and touch.
- Mood swings: Fluctuations in mood and emotional states.
3. Energetic and spiritual experiences:
- Energy sensations: Feeling surges of energy or vibrations, particularly along the spine or in the head.
- Altered states of Consciousness: States of expanded awareness, deep meditation, or altered perception of time and space.
- Inner light or sound: Some of you report experiencing inner lights or sounds during Kundalini awakening.
4. Physical discomforts:
- Physical discomfort: Various physical sensations, including pressure, tingling, or numbness, are often concentrated in the areas where Kundalini is believed to be active.
Prana Vs Apana
Sl No | Feature | Prana | Apana |
1 | Location | Head and chest region | Pelvic region, below the navel |
2 | Direction | Upward and inward | Downward and outward |
3 | Movement | Involved in inhalation and assimilation | Associated with exhalation and elimination |
4 | Function | Governs intake of oxygen and nourishment | Responsible for elimination of waste and toxins |
5 | Nature | Subtle and refined | Coarse and downward |
6 | Elemental Association | Air | Earth and Water |
7 | Activities | Thought processes, sensory perception | Digestion, excretion, and reproductive functions |
8 | Correlation with Oxygen | Relates to the intake of oxygen during inhalation | No direct correlation with oxygen |
9 | Correlation with Carbon Dioxide | No direct correlation with carbon dioxide | Involved in the elimination of waste, including carbon dioxide |
10 | Impact on Respiration | Facilitates inhalation | Facilitates exhalation |
11 | Role in Circulation | Governs the movement of energy through the upper body | Governs the movement of energy through the lower body |
12 | Energy Expression | Expresses as upward and expansive energy | Expresses as grounding and stabilizing energy |
13 | Influence on Mind | Relates to higher mental functions | Influences lower instincts and survival functions |
14 | Energetic Quality | Prana is more subtle and ethereal, lighter energy | Apana is more grounded and material, denser energy |
15 | Imbalance Effects | Prana imbalance may lead to anxiety, overthinking | Apana imbalance may lead to constipation, stagnation |
Kundalini Awakening and Combustion- Relation

What is Combustion?
Combustion is a chemical reaction between a substance (usually a fuel) and an oxidizing agent (typically oxygen), resulting in the release of heat and, often, light. It commonly involves the burning of materials, transforming them into new compounds through oxidation.
Combustion in the Kundalini context means that the wood (Ojas) burns to produce Tejas (fire), releasing Prana (energy) and Apana (smoke) in the process.
The Prana produced during the combustion of Ojas is the fuel for the Kundalini energy to rise up the Spine and do its task of ascension to merge with Consciousness at the Crown Chakra and pierce the Crown Chakra to merge with Universal Consciousness in the Eighth Chakra and beyond.
In the process of ascension of Kundalini energy, it clears all the blockages in the Chakras and Energy Channels, burning all carried forward Karmas, dissolving the Vikaras and Vasanas in the mind-ego complex. In doing so, Kundalini needs a lot of fuel to ascend up and move from one Chakra to the next.
Based on your level of blockages in each Chakra and the energy Channels, Kundalini may take a few days to a few months and a year or even a few decades to complete its task.
What’s the Task of Kundalini?
Kundalini is like the Ganga river originating from its Gaumukh Glacier (Root Chakra, in its dormant state), from where it starts flowing towards the Crown Chakra ( Ocean, Consciousness).
In its route, the Ganga River clears all the obstacles, purifies whatever comes in contact with her, and nourishes and transforms everything in pure energy.
In the entire process of combustion, there is an imbalance of prana and apana energies, and you need to release trapped apana from your system and infuse fresh prana into the body.
Similarly, the three actions of Kundalini are:
- Cleansing
- Purification
- Transformation
When Kundalini cleanses your Chakras and mind, a lot of toxicity is released before and during this process. The toxicity is called Apana and is produced or released at two stages:
- When Ojas burns into Tejas and Tejas into Prana, to produce fuel
- When Kundalini cleanses and purifies the energy channels, the blocked energies are released in the form of Apana.
1. When Ojas burns into Tejas and Tejas into Prana, to produce fuel
1. In the first stage, when Ojas is burnt into Tejas and Tejas into Prana, the nature of Apana is more physical – in the form of Carbon monoxide gases and other toxic gases that need to be cleared from your physical body to feel fresh and healthy.
How do you release Apana from your physical body?
The basic ways to release Apana from your physical body are:
- Bowel clearance through eating consciously
- Drinking water consciously
- Eating fibres, herbs or anything that pushes and releases gases from the bowel region.
- Sleeping well
- Doing some pelvic muscle movement, Yogasanas, stretching or physical movement exercises.
- Relaxing and practising breathwork
2. When Kundalini cleanses and purifies the energy channels, the blocked energies are released in the form of Apana
When Kundalini cleanses your Chakras and Energy Channels, your Apana is released in the form of heat – sometimes downward moving or upward moving out of your body. The downward-moving Apana makes you feel relaxed, but the upward-moving Apana causes discomfort in your head region.
How do you release Apana from your Energy Body?
There are different ways to release Apana from your energy channels:
- Practising long exhalation with Aum
- Kumbhaka Pranayama up to 5-30 seconds hold for 50 -100 times a day.
- Doing these sets of Kriyas – Kapalbhati, Agnisar, Nauli and Apanasana.
- Doing Child Pose
- Viparita Karani
- Tapping the physical body
- Palming
- Laughter Therapy
- Belly breathing 24/7- even up and down movements of the belly in supine position will do.
- Semen Retention
- Tantra
- Freedom of expression will give you expression of freedom.
I will explain all these later in the future guides (to keep it simple here and let you not get overwhelmed).
Before you know more details about the energetic combustion process, I want you to pay attention to the actual process of combustion explained below, which takes place when a matter is burnt to produce energy.
Kundalini Awakening Combustion – Prana Vs Apana Process Explained
Step 1: Wood catches fire when heated (Ignition) and turns into gases and some black stuff (Pyrolysis).
Step 2: These gases light up (Ignition of Gases), creating a flame.
Step 3: The flame burns the black stuff (Combustion of Charcoal), releasing heat and making more gases.
Step 4: This keeps going as long as there’s wood left (Sustained Combustion).
Step 5: The flame has different parts (Flame Structure), and it’s really hot, giving off light (Heat Release).
Step 6: When all the wood is used up, the fire stops (Completion of Combustion), and if you take away air or wood, it goes out (Extinguishment), leaving ashes behind (End Products).
1. Wood ignites → Pyrolysis (gases, black stuff)
2. Gases ignite → Flame formation
3. Flame combusts charcoal → Heat release, more gases
4. Sustained combustion as long as wood remains
5. Flame structure → Intense heat, light emission
6. Completion of combustion → Extinguishment (remove air/wood) → Ashes remain
In short, observe what happens in Step 3: heat release and more gases.
The heat release is the fuel of Prana energy in the energetic combustion process (Ojas-Tejas-Prana) that is required by Kundalini energy to move up the spine and do its task well.
More gases are nothing but the Apana that is also produced in the process of combustion to create Prana in the energy body and the Carbon Monoxide gases in the physical body.
How is the Energetic Combustion process similar to the Cellular Respiration(Combustion) process?

Energetic Combustion process similar to the cellular Combustion process
Energetic combustion and cellular respiration share similarities in that both processes involve the breakdown of organic molecules to release energy.
While energetic combustion occurs on the energy level in the organisms (similar to the burning of fuels), cellular combustion, or cellular respiration, takes place within cells, converting nutrients into energy, mainly in the form of ATP.
The cellular respiration processes involve the transfer of electrons through redox reactions to generate energy.
The energetic combustion involves the transformation of Ojas into Tejas and Tejas into Prana energy, and trapped Apana in the energy channels that needs to be removed with external force.
During cellular respiration, there is a deprivation of oxygen in the cells, and carbon dioxide is not produced in enough volume for proper metabolism. Some of the diseases that are diagnosed due to oxygen and carbon dioxide imbalances in the physical body are listed below: List of 20 Diseases due to Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Imbalance – Prana-Apana Imbalance
How Is Prana Produced in Combustion Different from the Prana You Intake During Breathing?
The Prana produced through the Combustion process is different from the Prana that you inhale during the breath inhalation process.
The quality of Prana intake during breath is required as a life force to sustain your life, but the quality of Prana, more precisely Cosmic Prana, is the fuel required for the Kundalini energy to move in the energy channels in flow and do the function of cleansing, purification and transformation.
The process of cleansing, purification and transformation begins with the Kundalini Awakening journey. It continues even after the Beyond Enlightenment stage.
That is why, even after your Kundalini Awakening journey is completed, you still need to do some basic Sadhana regularly to balance your Kundalini energy. Or else you feel highly disintegrated and non-functional in the human body.
Also, the Apana does not remain confined to your abdominal region or bowel region, but it spreads throughout your subtle energy field and spreads across your Aura (external energy field) to create a covering or layer of smoke similar to fog covering the earth’s layer.
In reality, the nature and function of clouds and Apana are the same. Both create congestion in the flow of energy and suffocate the space inside.
That is why those who are suffering from fatigue, pain, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and bipolar suffer the worst during cloudy days and also go through the Kundalini Awakening journey at the same time.
There are no solutions in the World because the reason itself is not detected.
We at Inner GPS Gurus have known the reasons through our own Kundalini Awakening journey, and now, after finding solutions and getting results from it, we are sharing the same with you.
Fibromyalgia Due to Kundalini Awakening-Prana Vs Apana Disbalance

Fibromyalgia Due to Kundalini Awakening-Prana Vs Apana Disbalance
Fibromyalgia is a chronic medical condition characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas. Fibromyalgia is a disorder of pain processing, and its exact cause is not well understood in medical science but it is a common symptom during Kundalini Awakening journey.
Fibromyalgia is often associated with other symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, cognitive difficulties (often referred to as “fibro fog”), and heightened sensitivity to pain.
Here are some key features and aspects of fibromyalgia:
1. Widespread pain: If you have fibromyalgia, you must be experiencing pain and tenderness in specific areas, including muscles, ligaments, and tendons throughout the body. The pain can be described as a constant dull ache and may be more pronounced at specific trigger points.
2. Fatigue: Chronic fatigue is a common symptom of fibromyalgia. Despite getting adequate sleep, you may wake up feeling tired and unrefreshed.
3. Sleep disturbances: You with fibromyalgia have difficulties with sleep, including insomnia or interrupted sleep patterns. This can contribute to the overall fatigue experienced.
4. Cognitive impairments: Fibromyalgia is often associated with cognitive difficulties, including problems with concentration, memory, and mental clarity. This is commonly referred to as “fibro fog.”
5. Other symptoms: You with fibromyalgia may experience a range of other symptoms, including headaches, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), joint pain, anxiety, and depression.
6. Diagnosis: There is no specific laboratory test for fibromyalgia, and the diagnosis is made based on a clinical evaluation that includes a history of widespread pain lasting for at least three months and the identification of specific tender points on the body.
7. Trigger points: While widespread pain is a key characteristic, doctors may identify specific tender points on the body during a physical examination. These are specific areas that are more sensitive to pressure.
8. Treatment: Treatment for fibromyalgia involves a multidisciplinary approach. This may include medications to manage pain, improve sleep, and address other symptoms.
Physical therapy, exercise, and stress management techniques can also be beneficial. Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule and reducing stress, may contribute to symptom management.
Even after applying all the above mentioned methods, if you are still not free then we have solutions for you at Inner GPS Gurus.
Fibromyalgia can vary in severity, and its impact on your daily life can be significant, especially during your Kundalini Awakening journey.
If you have fibromyalgia, you must consult us for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate healing process.
List of 20 Diseases due to Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Imbalance – Prana-Apana Imbalance
Among many, these are some of the conditions in the body that lead to suffering if you remain untreatable despite taking all the actions available in the world.
2. Anxiety
3. Asthma
4. Bipolar
5. Cancer
6. Celiac Disease
7. Chronic Kidney Disease
8. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
9. Colitis
10. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
11. Depression
12. Epilepsy
13. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
14. Insomnia
15. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
17. Parkinson’s Disease
18. Rheumatoid Arthritis
19. Schizophrenia
20. Stroke
Note: This is not an exhaustive list. There are many other diseases and medical conditions that you may experience, and the severity and impact of these conditions can vary widely.
During your Kundalini Awakening/ Spiritual Awakening journey, if you are medically diagnosed with the above but not finding solutions and relief, you must consult us for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate healing process.
How Can I Help You?
In this guide, I have touched on the topic at the basic understanding level to make you aware of the problem.

If you need personal coaching, then you can contact us.
In my future guides, I will educate you more on this so that you can take steps to help yourself sail through this challenging Kundalini transformative journey.
I’m a woman. There is no article on how to deal with a controlling husband. Maybe change the word wife to spouse since all should apply to both. I already have a guru.
Hi Debbie,
Thank you for your feedback.
I will create a dedicated article on the problems faced by wives due to controlling husbands.
The solutions mentioned in this post are exclusively for men who suffer from controlling wives.
One size doesn’t fit all. There are controlling wives and controlling husbands and the strategies and behavior to deal with both differ drastically.
Good luck!