Why Is it that After Kundalini Awakening, I don’t Want to Work?

IGG Avadhut

You don’t want to work after Kundalini Awakening because all your energies stuck in mind and mental patterns of working in a certain way are transmuted by Kundalini.

Kundalini works to transmute your lifetimes of mental patterns known as Karmas, into divine energies.

Thereafter you don’t live to work, you live to express, to flow, and live life in freedom from your Inner GPS.

Your Inner GPS is your Internal Guidance System that is Kundalini itself.

Without Kundalini’s will and signal if you work, you will feel stressed and cannot focus.

Kundalini wants you to wake up from your dream where you have assumed yourself to be a limited mind-ego- role who performs only limited functions in life.

When you work only for your living or fulfilling your desires, it is not serving anyone, not even yourself. Because with the limited energies in the mind, you remain dissatisfied.

When you flow, express and create from Kundalini’s flow you feel elated, happy and joyful.

You feel a deeper sense of satisfaction by flowing from your Inner GPS, by expressing what you want, by speaking the truth, by inventing, creating and exploring.

Kundalini Awakening is a boon to create your new career as a “Free and Powerful person” who brings into the world of matter, his creation in multiple ways- it could be:

  • a healing technique,
  • his divine truthful teachings
  • his transformative techniques to free you from your mind or
  • creating an empire of highly vibrating people.

A Kundalini Awakened individual can create a totally new universe with his powers.

That is why, Kundalini stops your mundane work with limited vision.

If you have any more questions, you can ask me.


  • IGG Avadhut

    IGG Avadhut is the Founder of Inner GPS Gurus. He is a Life Coach and Kundalini Master. He helps only action-takers. He enjoys dissolving your problems through action-based energy work. Get Solutions to your Life Problems (Career, Wealth, Productivity, Relationship, Spirituality, Kundalini, Shaktipat, and Health).

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